Christmas Eve 2023

Christmas Eve 2023

It was a lovely season at home this year. We had decided we'd eat dinner at 5 p.m. and have the evening to open our one present, visit, and watch any Christmas movies we might like.

Buds and I were up early as always. I had wanted to go to an evening church service, but it wasn't really of interest to the rest of my crew, so I settled in to watch a local UU church and their "Unrehearsed Christmas Pageant." Buds joined me and we both enjoyed it.

Of course, Mocha was there, too.
Chaos and grace and laughter and love all on display.

Yessa had decided she had a craving for ratatouille for Christmas Eve dinner, and that takes a bit of time to put together.

The day passed with dog walks and coffee and sleeping children. We read and visited, and when everyone was up there was more food prep. Christmas Eve includes macaroni and cheese and the experienced crew has their system figured out from years of practice.

Lots of cheese, lots of mixing.

Family room ready for after dinner. Fire on the tv, table set, we're ready to dine.

Dinner was delightful, then we retired to the family room to open our one present. It has become the tradition that we open pajamas on Christmas Eve (Thanks, Chandlers. 😍😍). Buds isn't a fan of this tradition; more specifically, he's not a fan of pajamas, so I wrapped up his pajama pants from last year, and the rest of us opened our new flannels. Everyone was happy.

I told him what to expect so he wasn't disappointed.
Opening, then changing.
Chatting by the tree.
Comfy, cozy, and loved.

The rest of the night held hanging out, and Monkey and I watched Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol, as we love to do.

It was a loving Christmas Eve.