CompTrain January 2024 Event #3: 14.4

CompTrain January 2024 Event #3: 14.4

Lots of CrossFit speak in this one.

The whiteboard didn't show what the last workout would be, so Tyler and Kaley pulled out the hopper to pick one. The ping pong balls have all the previous CrossFit open workouts written on them.

The ping pong ball that dropped out was 14.4, which means the 4th workout from the CrossFit Open in 2014. The workout was:

AMRAP in 14 minutes

  • 60 calorie Row
  • 50 Toes-to-Bars
  • 40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb, 10/9 ft)
  • 30 Cleans (135 lb)
  • 20 Muscle-Ups

Buds has done this workout a couple times now over the years. With managing his shoulder, he knew that 50 toes to bar was not a good idea, so he adapted to the GHD machine for that. His goal was to get through the cleans, and he did.

Smooth and steady on the rower.
35 on the GHD gives those abs a chance to feel seen.
Wallballs for days.

You can see how he feels by how he throws down the bar on the cleans.

And here we are a little over 13 minutes after it all began.

He did a fantastic job in the final event. He also managed his body and energy well because he wasn't sore the next day.

Another great competition, this one mostly with himself, to see how he's progressing. With a lifetime PR in the squat clean, he's on the right track.

265# on that bar.

Competitors and Coaches. I had to snag the photo from Instagram, so it's a little blurry.

Thanks for reading.