Green and Purple

Green and Purple

While Ginner was typing her fingers off writing memories this morning, Bob and I were out on a walk, trying to avoid losing my step streak given this afternoon's planned activities (doubtless there will be more on this later). This job this morning was documenting what I see as the "team colors" of Rochester–green and purple.

So many houses are fronted with beautiful gardens. And so many of those gardens are full of lavender, lilac, periwinkle, plum, and violet blooms.

Bob walked alongside was we toured the neighborhood. Interestingly, at regular speed I can see the right foot hinging that has been giving me knee trouble for the past few months. I've sped this video up so we don't have a HIPAA violation.


Bob's a master of new perspectives. He can sneak into bushes and show you what the bush sees when you walk by.