CrossFit Open 2024-That's A Wrap

CrossFit Open 2024-That's A Wrap

It all ended with one last glorious blow out last night. Buds had his best performance of the open and the "CrossFit and Coffee Bar" was a hit.

First, the workout.

Buds was happy with this overall because he is fantastic at thrusters. He worked through the first 5 rounds in a great time and got the first set of 7 thrusters done in time to have 6 minutes to practice bar muscle-ups. They eluded him this year, but he'll keep working.

Talking through the plan with his judge before starting.
3,2,1, GO!
Great depth.
Top of the thruster.
On to the bar.

I did the workout this morning, heavily scaled, and got 6 thrusters in the 2nd round of 7. Full range of motion in the squats, which is a huge victory for me.

After Buddie's workout, the rest of the night was about cheering for our friends and serving them delicious coffee.

Renee and Victor generously gave up hours of their Friday evening to come help us. It made the night much more relaxed and joyful to have the extra baristas.

We were raising donations for the charity selected by our two box owners, Coach Kaley and Coach Tyler. They chose The Breast Cancer Coalition, a local charity that shares the same parking lot with our box. All the money we raised will be going to help women in our area. People could donate by putting their cash donations in the jar indicating their favorite of the 3 open workouts or by clicking on the QR code displayed to donate digitally.

By the end of the night the jars were full.

We raised $200 in cash last night and our contact at the Coalition will let us know how much was donated via QR code. I was gratified at the number of people who tossed money in even if they didn't want a coffee.

The night held lots of great conversations, great coffee, much cheering, and many wonderful memories. An unexpected highlight came at the close of the workouts when we gathered for the traditional picture, prize drawing, and the annual award announcements.

We were thrilled when our friend Stacy was awarded the Rookie of the Year Award. She's taken to CrossFit like a duck to water and brings fire and strength to every workout.

And then the Spirit of the Open Award was announced and I was surprised and gratified when my name was announced. I prefer not to be the center of attention, but what a joyful compliment that people chose to suggest I deserve this beautiful award.

So sparkly.
The two award winners together. ☺️😂😂

After the ceremony, people hung out to visit, drink more coffee, and play basketball and pingpong. And Kaley and Tyler announced a new baby coach will be joining the family in September. The joyful eruption of excitement when they announced their news was glorious.

One final pan:

Another year of memories.