A Springtime Visit From All Season Friends

A Springtime Visit From All Season Friends

Gina and Todd have been our friends for decades, and their eldest, Jack, is as old as our marriage, so we were so glad to have them come and spend some springtime in Rochester with us and explore our new home and new town.

They flew in on a Thursday and we dove right into good times.

We explored the Strong Museum of Play.

I was so excited to find an exact barbie I had as a child. Thanks to Todd for finding her.

We checked out the Artisanworks, which has to be seen to truly understand, but was well worth the visit and tour with the founder. Buds wrote up a specific post about this visit here.

Lots of donated cars.


There were gorgeous wood “carvings” by a single artist scattered all over.

Todd’s running schedule lead him to discover interesting spaces all over the city, and we explored some of them during their visit.

The Seat of Forgetting and Remembering is not one we would have easily stumbled upon without him.

We wandered the paths all around “The Seat.”

Gina did a poison ivy tutorial

We made sure they saw the High Falls downtown as well.

Todd got in a couple rides on the electric bikes with us, and Buds joined him on one of his shorter runs.

They discovered two abandoned water towers up near the reservoir.

A delicious dinner at Swiftwater Brewing rounded out one busy day.

Pasta making had to happen after our recent return from Sicily.

Mocha was thrilled to meet more of our dog-loving friends.

Chats on the porch, relaxed meals, and being together made for a delightful visit. As well as Todd and Jack helping me hang up our porch swing chair which has gotten many hours of use.

Buster and I didn’t make it home from our “Here There Be Bats” second ER visit before they had to fly out, so they sent us one last good bye picture.

More memories of love, laughter, and friendship created in the new house.

Gina also took some fantastic pictures over the visit. You can view the entire album here.