Europe Trip #1 - Be Aware

Europe Trip #1 - Be Aware

We leave for our next Europe trip in 5 days and everything is in place EXCEPT, I really want to have the blog posts written from the last trip so I’m starting fresh on this new adventure. I’m also trying a new way of titling and sorting the posts to make it clearer that I haven’t missed important things.

There are going to be a lot of posts coming out in the next few days, many of them picture-heavy because the pictures are how I remember.

Once they are all written, I’ll publish a wrap-up post that has the links in chronological order along with the links for the full photo albums to make it easy for our family to look back on in years to come.

You may want to ignore the next few days if you don’t like to have things be all higgledy-piggledy and know that order is emerging from the chaos of memories.

As always, thanks for sharing the journey with us and your loving support of these jots of memories.

Hope your day is this relaxed.