A Mid-Winter Mini Gem-Fest

A Mid-Winter Mini Gem-Fest

With Nashville cousins making the trip north on their spring break, Buds, Yessa, and I loaded up on a Friday night to drive to Buddie’s sister’s house. Thanks to an incoming storm, we left Friday instead of Saturday to be sure we could get there safely, stayed overnight with his sister and part of her family, then followed his sister and one of our nieces the rest of the way on Saturday morning to join most of the rest of the family where they were gathered in Norwich, VT.

Buster and Monkey stayed home to handle Mocha care, for which we were grateful.

The drive on Friday was easy and we were glad to settle in the cozy beds prepared for us.

As predicted, Saturday morning quickly turned snowy and we headed out for the 1 1/2 hour drive the rest of the way.

We arrived at a home filled with laughter, games, great food, great conversations, and a day of fun, storytelling, and connection.

This drive did attempt to thwart me when it was time to leave. It took me three attempts, Uncle T. tossing out some sand, and cheering from Uncle Z and Uncle T, but we managed to hurdle up the driveway and onto the road.

My greatest joy is seeing the various cousins and adults bond and chat together.

These spectacular kids are aging into spectacular tweens, teens, and young adults and I love every second of it.

Many games were played.

The snow continued all day and was enjoyed by many.

Deciding what tree Uncle Z is going to chop down.

Buds and I went for a snowy walk.

Buds got to show off Rosie.

So much laughter.

To see Buds laughing with people he loves makes me so happy.

We drove home on Sunday, the weather all clear, roads dry.

It was a great visit.