Aunt G Turns 98!

Aunt G Turns 98!

Because she had been feeling weaker, we didn’t think we’d have the chance to visit with Aunt Garnet on her December 30th birthday, but you don’t live to be 98 without having a lot of spirit, and she decided she was having a good day and she wanted to see people.

I wish I could sit with her in person to see how she processes these Zoom call’ she who never had internet in her house or a cell phone.

It was so good to see her and sing to her and tell her we love her.

She’s the youngest of my Grandma Frosty’s siblings, and the last left. I’m grateful for my many memories of her as I was growing up and that my children had some of the same time playing in her kitchen and going through her cupboards that I had. Thanks to extended visits with Mom, Monkey has gotten many hours of card and game playing and visits with Aunt G. over the years.

The Zoom call included all my mom’s siblings who are still living and one of Aunt Garnet’s two sons. Her third son died several years ago.

When Uncle Randy hopped on the call with his new goatee, Aunt Garnet said, “I don’t know who you are.” Then he started talking and he laughed and that Indiana accent came through loud and clear and she said, “Oh, all right. Now I know.”

I hope we get to hug her in person in 2021.