Buster's 16th Birthday

Buster's 16th Birthday

It would be a dishonor to allow a month to pass without writing down the details of Buster’s birthday on 4/24.

He had the sort of day he loves. We were all together, time to play and talk and eat what he likes. He chose pizza for his birthday dinner, and we had that and sushi for some of the rest of us.

There were gifts and cards. His largest present was a new gaming chair.

The rest of the family put it together while he slept.

It’s been very well received.

We surprised him with a Zoom birthday party. That wasn’t a huge hit, but it was lovely of folks to show up so he knows he’s loved. Each group had something with a candle in it so it was like we were all together blowing out the candles.

I loved knowing that people around the country were baking in preparation for this wonderful kiddo’s gathering.

He continues to be exactly the perfect kiddo for us. Kind, insightful, interesting, intelligent, and punny. I’m so incredibly grateful we get to be part of his growing up.