The Great West Coast Tour – Day 25 – Tulsa and Pammie Sue, Here We Come!

The Great West Coast Tour – Day 25 – Tulsa and Pammie Sue, Here We Come!

We were up and out early, headed to Tulsa.

Buds really outdid himself with our last hotel! It was so new that I don’t think anyone had ever stayed in our room before. That’s the kind of hotel I love!

The staff was super friendly and helpful. It was a splendid ending to that piece of the trip.

Pam had a big church event that she helped organize for all day on Saturday, so we headed over in the late afternoon to pick her up, meet her wonderful roommate, and see their beautiful home.

Then out for dinner, stories, laughter, a few tears, and many hugs.

It was so good to get time with Pam. Well worth the previous 5500 miles of driving.

On Sunday morning Buds and I grabbed a workout in the new hotel’s workout room, then rousted our troop, and headed out.

We got home late in the evening and these two were so happy to see us.

Processing time to come.