The Great West Coast Tour - Day 24 - Albuquerque

The Great West Coast Tour - Day 24 - Albuquerque

We stayed in Albuquerque, but it could have been anywhere on this particular night.

We got into our hotel early enough that Buds and I made it to CrossFit Zephyr for the 4:30 WOD. There were several boxes to choose from, but I liked the name of this one best, so we went there.

Great box, great coach, very friendly folks. We picked their brains for fun things to do on our one night in Albuquerque and they had great suggestions.

Buds and I got back to the hotel, showered, and by family consensus we all agreed we just wanted to be together and hang out. As lovely as Albuquerque was, it was a place to sleep on our way to see Pam. Tulsa was really our goal.

Buds, as always, got us a hotel room that was lovely, although this was possibly the hotel where the people below us complained to management about us being too loud at least two or three times. One of the times when the front desk called us we were all asleep.

Buds almost had to get angry. That’s how frustrating that was.

But other than that, all was well.

Tomorrow, we see Pam!