The Great West Coast Tour - Final Thoughts And Ponders

The Great West Coast Tour - Final Thoughts And Ponders

Monkey and I were talking yesterday about what an easy trip this really was.

We had a flat tire, but that happened when the van was parked in the garage at our rental house, while we slept safely inside.

We didn’t have to jump off a train before it pulled out of the station.

We didn’t have both headlights go out so we had to drive home with the brights on, causing other drivers to curse us.

No one got sick from our crew of five on the whole trip.

There were no trips to the Emergency Room.

All in all, a lovely, relaxed, cozy family trip; Of 6000 miles.

Traveling around in that metal tube with these people I love most; that was the best part of all.

And all the new CrossFit t-shirts.

Heatwave CrossFit Shirt missing.

Thanks for a great time, friends and family.

Next adventure?

Time will tell…