Semifreddo, "Italian" Lights and Knockerball

Semifreddo, "Italian" Lights and Knockerball

Editor’s note: Videos included. View at

Monkey made semifreddo (soft ice-creamy dessert) early in the week and it made us all dream of Italy.

Ready to begin.
Ready to begin.
Measure, measure, measure.
Measure, measure, measure.
The mixing took forever!
The mixing took forever!
Crumbled cookies ready to be covered.
Crumbled cookies ready to be covered.
Filling the cups for the freezer.
Filling the cups for the freezer.
The delicious ending.
The delicious ending.

Nashville has an annual festival called “Italian Lights.” Since Monkey had been craving “real” Italian food for several days, despite getting a semifreddo fix, we thought we’d give the festival a chance.

We picked up Buds at the end of the work day on a Friday, and headed to Bicentennial Park in downtown Nashville. (FYI, Bicentennial Park is not the same place as Centennial Park. If you are at the Parthenon in Nashville, you are at the wrong park…Nashville is weird.)

As we headed toward the tents and banners, we could hear the crooning of Frank Sinatra songs. (The Chris I dated before this one I married was a huge Sinatra fan, so I know lots of words to Sinatra songs.)

Frank Sinatra cover artist, a food stand that sold meatball subs and ziti, and a gelato food cart, that was where the “Italian” connection ended, but we had a great time regardless.

No one seems to be listening to the Pope.
No one seems to be listening to the Pope.
Buster wants the oar.
Buster wants the oar.
Where are we headed?!
Where are we headed?!

There were two highlights of the evening. The children all loved playing Knockerball!

We’re pretty sure we never saw these in Italy, but maybe we just never wandered to the right part of town.

When the tall kid joined the game, things got fun!
When the tall kid joined the game, things got fun!
Worked up quite a thirst!
Worked up quite a thirst!

After Knockerball, Buds was excited to show me the homemade pickle stand, which had lots of free samples. We came home with bread and butter pickles, fresh dill pickles, and hilarious memories of Buddie trying the fiery hot pickles and getting a look of widening shock as the spices hit.

Yup, it's getting hotter.
Yup, it’s getting hotter.

It was a beautiful night to be out and about, and if we’re craving Italian food again next year, we’ll probably go to an Italian restaurant… then go to the festival to play Knockerball.