A Joyful First!

A Joyful First!

Buds and I were in the midst of a workout in the garage when I looked out the windows toward the front garden, and there, fluttering around the butterfly bush with 10 blue butterflies, was…A MONARCH!

Blurry, but beautiful.
Blurry, but beautiful.

I planted milkweed three years ago in the hopes of this moment.

The whole family came to look in response to my excited shouts.

And as the children were clustered in front of me, watching the flutterby (As Monkey used to say.), I said to their backs, “Let’s kill this one and pin it in a glass frame to commemorate this moment.”

That got a shout of laughter from the Buster after he turned to look at me in shock and saw the twinkle in my eye.

I knew he’d appreciate the humor.

Fingers crossed for more orange beauties in the future!