The Midwest Adventure Continues

The Midwest Adventure Continues

We had a relaxed morning at Mom’s after the wedding. She would be heading out to church, and we’d be hitting the road to Kansas City for some Chan Clan time.

Buds helped her get her new phone all figured out, then hugs all around before she left.

Pretty, pretty new phone.
Pretty, pretty new phone.
They've almost caught her in height.
They’ve almost caught her in height.

Time with the Chandlers is always joyful. Filled with some projects, lots of games, swimming, laughter, and our family heading to our basement space for bed while they stay up for a few more hours. We all love it.

Buds stole Henry's spot to get a work day in.
Buds stole Henry’s spot to get a work day in.
Such a kind soul to give up his love seat.
Such a kind soul to give up his love seat.
Twenty+ years of friendship looks good on these two.
Twenty+ years of friendship looks good on these two.
Settling in together.
Settling in together.
This one started training for her first paid job while we were there!
This one started training for her first paid job while we were there!
Off to her first day of training!
Off to her first day of training!
Still young enough for playground time.
Still young enough for playground time.
These two were like mermaids every day.
These two were like mermaids every day.


So many games.
So many games.
She's on the job, ready to fix your writing woes.
She’s on the job, ready to fix your writing woes.
The tuffies and their candy cigs.
The tuffies and their candy cigs.
Monkey wouldn't cave to the pressure to "smoke." Lu made a video barrier to protect her.
Monkey wouldn’t cave to the pressure to “smoke.” Lu made a video barrier to protect her.
Of COURSE we saw a rainbow when we were with the Chan Clan!
Of COURSE we saw a rainbow when we were with the Chan Clan!

We played around with the new Instant pot, organized the pantry, played hours of video games, swam, swam, swam, and talked, talked, talked.

Buds flew home on Tuesday morning, and the kids and I headed out on Thursday morning.

A late morning stop at Panera to get a bite:

It was still pretty early.
It was still pretty early.

We were about 3 hours from home when The Buster’s tummy started acting up.

Long story short, with no graphic details, we stayed in a hotel in Metropolis, Illinois for the night so the young fellow could upchuck in comfort.

He still likes a snuggle when he's not feeling well.
He still likes a snuggle when he’s not feeling well.

We stayed near a local version of IHOP called “Huddle House.” I walked over to get dinner for the females of our group, and when an order was ready they would call out, “Huddle Up!” which I thought was cute.

Sixteen hours later, he was back to normal, though a little weak. We grabbed a quick bite at the hotel then headed toward Paducah for a stop at our favorite coffee shop.


Well, crap and mesh, there’s an open bridge on the route between Metropolis and Paducah.

I have a very strong aversion to open grates. A very strong aversion. Driving across this bridge made me feel…unsettled. And it was so incredibly long! Monkey kindly took photos so I could give Buds the full understanding of my bravery when I told him about it later.

Thanks to google maps: You can see...all open mesh.
Thanks to google maps: You can see…all open mesh.
It goes on forever!
It goes on forever!


That’s not a road we’ll be taking again.

A few more hours and we were home safe and sound. Another grand road trip in the books.