"Well, that's not right," says Yessa.
Bless my kind children, sometimes I will sing them snippets of songs they haven’t heard before. Their first question is generally, “Is that a real song or did you make that up?” They apparently think Nashville has turned me into a singer/songwriter.
Last night I trotted out, “All. That. Jaaaaazzzz.” I knew Yessa would love it, and I pulled up a video so she could hear the full song.
Well, if you’ve seen the movie or the production, you know there is a shooting and some scantily clad people, and some fantastic singing. She wanted to know what happened in the story, so I explained that a woman shot her husband, then I remembered she didn’t shoot her husband, she shot the man she was seeing even though she was married.
“Wait, wait, wait. She had a boyfriend even though she was married?! Well, that’s not right.”
Then we had a rambling discussion about getting married and what was right and wrong about how you treat the person you marry. How did the police find out she shot the man? Did she go to prison? Question, question, question…
And then she says as she is snuggling down to sleep, “I don’t know if I’ll marry a man or a woman when I grow up, but if I decide I don’t want to be married to them anymore, I’ll tell them that before I start being with someone else.”