Nutmeg is the best spice.

Nutmeg is the best spice.

Sweet Nutmeg, the last of the four-legged members of the family for now, has grown more and more loving as she has aged. Though she will take some time alone in the basement for introspection, generally she can be found curled up on a bed, near a person on the couch, or on my beloved rocking chair in the midst of the hubbub of the hearth room.

Less endearing than all this affection, she got into the habit when she was living with my mom of demanding to be fed around 5 a.m. Her caterwauling doesn’t seem to awaken anyone else in the family, so it all works out fine.

Some recent shots of the tri-color.

The Sunbeam of Happiness powers Nutmeg's solar panels.
The Sunbeam of Happiness powers Nutmeg’s solar panels.
Note the gorgeous quilt, which April The Magnificent made!
Note the gorgeous quilt, which April The Magnificent made!
This is her happy face.
This is her happy face.
The foot of our bed, a favorite location
The foot of our bed, a favorite location
Peeking out the window in the dark.
Peeking out the window in the dark.
The Yessa loves the Meggie.
The Yessa loves the Meggie.
Bonding time with Monkey.
Bonding time with Monkey.

I’m so grateful we’ve gotten so many years with this snuggly kitty.