Nonni and Poppi Come For A Visit

Nonni and Poppi Come For A Visit

Nonni and Poppi made the long trip down to see the new homes of their progeny. We had them for four days, then they moved over to cousins’ house when we left for our Virginia trip. The time went fast, and a lot was packed into their trip.

We’re already planning for where we want to take them on their next visit.

Scooter races.
Scooter races.
The concert at the library. We got great seats.
The concert at the library. We got great seats.
Picnic and music...pretty heavenly.
Picnic and music…pretty heavenly.
Enjoying time together.
Enjoying time together.
Showing Nonni and Poppi the secret mouse hole.
Showing Nonni and Poppi the secret mouse hole.
Introducing Nonni and Poppi to our favorite Fro Yo place. They approved!
Introducing Nonni and Poppi to our favorite Fro Yo place. They approved!
Monkey's cup of sugar crazy.
Monkey’s cup of sugar crazy.
Yup! I love it, she says.
Yup! I love it, she says.
A never before seen sight: Nonni getting her toenails painted.
A never before seen sight: Nonni getting her toenails painted.
The things she does for love of her grandkids! Thanks, Nonni.
The things she does for love of her grandkids! Thanks, Nonni.
Science Center fun
Science Center fun
Waiting for their ride in the simulator...or puke ride.
Waiting for their ride in the simulator…or puke ride.
Strapped in and ready...or not.
Strapped in and ready…or not.
Seeing who can have the most relaxed brainwaves.
Seeing who can have the most relaxed brainwaves.
Dance fun
Dance fun
Science Quiz show
Science Quiz show
The fart slide, yup, not kidding. You slide down, it makes a fart noise.
The fart slide, yup, not kidding. You slide down, it makes a fart noise.

Not only did we explore fun places with Nonni and Poppi, they also put together the two compost bins that had been waiting for someone to bring them back to life, as well as trimming back the choke cherries that had taken over the side of the garden shed. They do love a good project, which I appreciate!