Guess What We Did This Weekend?!

Guess What We Did This Weekend?!
We carved pumpkins.
We carved pumpkins.

2013-10-23 11.18.10

2013-10-23 12.45.13

2013-10-23 12.45.23

Monkey completely designed and carved her own this year!
Monkey completely designed and carved her own this year!
We love how they turned out.
We love how they turned out.
We hung our new quilt, made by the Amazing April.
We hung our new quilt, made by the Amazing April.
And it looks awesome!
And it looks awesome!
Monkey's doll and dog went on a forage through the woods...they had an awesome time.
Monkey’s doll and dog went on a forage through the woods…they had an awesome time.
Went on a hike with friends...
Went on a hike with friends…



Yessa found this awesome trash on the hike...
Yessa found this awesome trash on the hike…
Then we went out for pizza and fro yo. Kids thought that was awesome!
Then we went out for pizza and fro yo. Kids thought that was awesome!
We went on a hunt for the coffee bar. No success yet.
We went on a hunt for the coffee bar. No success yet.
I cut the top off these two shrubs that were hiding the front of the house.
I cut the top off these two shrubs that were hiding the front of the house.
I would say they look awesome, but they look pretty goofy.
I would say they look awesome, but they look pretty goofy.

And finally, the children and I built a fire pit!

It really is awesome!
It really is awesome!

For the purposes of my future self, I have edited any parts of the weekend that were not awesome: Zachary getting the schucks from too many grains, the bickering that occurred during the family folding party, and learning that the water spout on our fridge is hooked up to the hot water line.

But, despite all those difficulties, we watched “Rise of the Guardians” for Family Movie Night (Monkey bowed out of this one. She suspected too much emotional upheaval for her comfort level. I think she’ll like it, though. Hint, hint, Monkey!), and that was really good. And in general, we had another splendid weekend spending time with Buds. Cousins stopped by two different times, too, which is always a treat.

On to another week!