Time in Virginia

We had a wonderful, fun-filled, busy 5 days in The Commonwealth. We left our driveway at 9:30 a.m. on a Friday (Exactly 7 days ago, as I write this.), and hit Kelly and Paula’s driveway around midnight. The drive was way too long, but everyone did a good job. When you stop for all three meals, and a couple breaks, that adds up.
Saturday morning, thanks to having made a date with Tania, we walked into CrossFit Reston (CFR) at 8:15 a.m., and were immediately enveloped by clapping, hugs, smiles, and slaps on the back.
For me, that was the beginning of an incredibly emotional, yet healing weekend.
How do I describe being welcomed back with so much warmth and love by the two communities it was so hard to leave? I was laughing at CFR because there were people clapping for us that I know had no idea who we were. But, oh, the joy, of all the faces we did know and cherish.
Great workout there, then brunch with Tania, filled with laughter and stories.
Now that a couple weeks have passed since our trip, I can’t remember the specifics. The pictures will fill in the blanks.
We dropped Monkey off at a best buddie’s house on Saturday, and didn’t see her again until Monday. She had a fantastic time, and those friends are coming to see us in November, so it helped to not make leaving as hard as it would otherwise have been.
While Monkey was off on her sleepover, the rest of our two families went to church on Sunday. My heart filled up with joy, and overflowed out my eyeballs. Sarah Jebian sang, and that was it for holding it together. I loved being back at UUCF. People were so loving and kind and so happy to see us, and it felt so safe and snuggled to be there.
Then we went out for lunch with K and P and the girls, so treat, after treat, after treat.
Sunday night was the Massadoah 30th Anniversary Dinner. To laugh and visit and learn more Massadoah history with this amazing group of people…we are so incredibly blessed.
A day of fun on Monday with our surrogate Virginia family…Clemijontri Park.
Buds flew to Atlanta on Tuesday. The kids and I toured potential new office spaces with a co-worker, then we were up and out on Wednesday morning.
Time went so quickly, but it was oh, so good to be there.

The kids and I stopped at Massadoah for a quick visit on our trip home. It was so good to be there, too.

We were glad to be settled back at the new home, but was so nice to be reminded of the loved ones we still have at the old home.