Vermont- Part 4- Birthday Boys

Vermont- Part 4- Birthday Boys

For 22 days, Poppi and The Buster are exactly 60 years apart, which is really cool to think about. (It also reminds me that Buds and I are going to be so incredibly old when we have grandchildren. Why didn’t we start young like Nonni and Poppi?!)

Anyway, the goal was to have a lovely dinner, share the cake Nonni and the younger girls made, open presents, and generally make revelry on our last night together.

Revelry was made, but not by The Buster.

The girls decorated the table, wrapped presents, made a beautiful cake, and did everything they could to create a festive environment.

Let the baking begin. (This may actually have been the girls making breakfast pancakes on Saturday morning, but it fits the storyline to have it here. 😉
Let the decorating begin.
1/2 for Poppi, 1/2 for Buster
The elaborate and luscious cake. Yessa made sure to leave part of Buster’s half “decoration-free” to help make sure he would like it.

Buster managed to sit at the table to open his present, but he didn’t get excited about his present until the next day when he felt better, then he loved it!

Opening up…

Sorry I didn’t catch pictures of dinner or Poppi’s present. Distracted by The Buster being upstairs in bed.

It was a lovely party, though.