Vermont Fun- Part 3- Around The House

Vermont Fun- Part 3- Around The House

Although we spent lots of time outside the house, sledding and sugaring, we had lots of time inside the house enjoying Nonni and Poppi’s company, playing with cousins, and in The Buster’s case, being a little sick for one day.

Monkey took great pleasure in settling in various places around the house, snug and warm, reading a book. When I found her nestled in on the bed her father slept in as a child, absorbed by Harry Potter, I thought about this full circle of life.

So reminiscent of her father as a child in this house, I suspect.
Reading in front of the fire.

Yessa suggested a puzzle at the start of our visit, and she was intrigued by a 1000 piece puzzle, but we all decided a new 200 piece dinosaur puzzle was the perfect choice this time around.

Starting the process.
Puzzling it out together…
The finishing touches.

In addition to the puzzle, lots of stories were read and games were played.

Creating a musical instrument. The kids have always loved this toy.
Looking through a family photo album.

Yessa decided that the rolled up place mats made an outstanding baby, and those were played with by all the children throughout the visit. Poppi helps care for the baby in these pictures.

Poppi holding “The Baby.”
Careful with the baby.

Buster and Yessa had pooled their allowance to purchase “Piperoids,” and then Nonni and Poppi chipped in, too, for Buster’s birthday. The package arrived at Nonni and Poppi’s just as planned, which made for a fun day of construction.

Ready to start crafting.
So excited.
Showing Uncle Scott the creations.
She’s crafting incognito.

Cousin Meg came over on early Friday afternoon to have more time to play and to stay overnight.

Cousin time
Log rolling

The Buster did fall prey to a “tickley” throat, cough, and fever on Friday. He slept his way around the house.

We knew something was up when he slept for a couple hours in the middle of hubbub and laughter.
Moved to the chair for a change of pace.
Snuggled in with a book for awhile.

He headed up to bed around 5’ish, turned on the fever, slept through the night, and woke up the next day back to normal.

Finally, Nonni pulled out an old-style pinball game she’d gotten from her grandmother. Yessa was very intrigued.

Here’s how you play…
Good old fun!

Still to come, the birthday boys celebrate…