Bumper Bowling

Bumper Bowling

Since so many museums are closed on Mondays, we took a Monday and went bowling instead. None of the children had ever been bowling before, so it was quite an adventure.

It was a great deal of fun. Each child developed his/her own style, we had pizza and fries at the bowling alley, we nearly had the whole place to ourselves, and it was a gray, rainy, cold day, so having somewhere fun to go was excellent.

And as is often the case, I was reminded of the frequency of common human kindness. The woman working behind the cash register seemed like a rather gruff, 60-ish, smoker-type woman. She wasn’t unkind, but not overtly friendly either. As we were getting ready to leave the bowling alley, she said, “Hold on just a second,” and she printed off an individual score sheet for each of us so each child could have a record of their own score. It was really so thoughtful, and completely unexpected.

Oh, and note to self, bumper bowling is a great way to get strikes!

Getting started.
Waiting…waiting…waiting…Yessa’s balls rolled rather slowly.
Bowling balls are so pretty.
The orange team.
Monkey’s patented style.
Fanciest bowler in the place.
Final scores-quite respectable.
Final look.
What a good time!
Monkey’s pose makes me smile in this shot.
The sibs.
Always trying for that perfect group shot.