Wonderful Weekend

Wonderful Weekend

We had such wonderful times this weekend, I wanted to be sure we remembered the wonderfulness.

First great thing was a call from Kelly on Saturday afternoon asking if we were going to church. After talking for awhile, we coordinated a plan for having dinner at Paula and Kelly’s house after the service. We have tried several times in the last months to get together, but our advance planning hadn’t worked. Apparently last-minute was the way to go!

We had a wonderful dinner of Sous Vide duck at their house, and as is always the case, we talked about anything and everything. We always have such great conversations, and we all always ending up learning new things about each other.

Oh, and Zachary got to play on their Wii, acting as a teacher to their girls, which was a joy for all of them.

Here’s a picture our Director of Religious Exploration sent me from before the service this weekend.

You think maybe The Buster is comfortable in our church home?

Then, on Sunday afternoon we headed to Jenn and Greg’s house. We hadn’t gotten to spend time with them for months and months and months, so what a treat it was to drop back into friendship with them and laugh and visit and dine in such a comfortable, relaxed, cozy home.

Buds and I constantly send up thanks for the connections we have made in Virginia. No other place we have lived has found us with so many communities with so many amazing friends and people who help us become our best selves. So, so grateful for this life we are living.