When Have You Felt Loved?

When Have You Felt Loved?

The weekend of February 16 was Buddie’s final Competition for The Capital Affiliate League, and the kids and I spent part of the day there. (I was especially anxious about being there for the rope climbing WOD so I could will Buddie’s safety.)

We left the competition to head to church. We dropped the big kids off at RE, and Yessa and I walked up the hill to the sanctuary for the service.

The theme for February has been about Love, and Mary Katherine talked about “Bringing Love Down to Earth.” She asked us to think about when we have felt loved.

There were two things running through my head:

1) My first thought was how surprised, tickled, and touched I was when Buds had the initials “JZZN” embroidered into the back of his new shoes.


A little explanation is necessary to help you understand why this means so much to me.

Buds designed these shoes to be worn all the time. He has worn his previous Chucky T’s down to string, so these replacements were planned to be his constant companion.

In addition, this is exactly the sort of secret, yet public message that means a great deal to me. I don’t want him to post loving, smooshy words on FB, but I want the world to know he loves us. These shoes exactly fit the bill.

2) As I was listening to Mary Katherine’s message (You can listen to it here, too.), Yessa was alternating between snuggling on my lap, painting my fingernails with a crayon (an idea her dad gave her in the service the week before), putting my hair in a ponytail, leaning against me or acting as a backpack while we swayed and sang to all the music.

If ever there was a moment to feel loved, that was it.

In addition, we got to sing our new favorite family song. There is More Love Somewhere

How ’bout you? When have you felt loved?