Spain 2024-Day 11-Valencia

Spain 2024-Day 11-Valencia
Leg powered delivery

This was a day for really living in Valencia.

We got up to go for a jog and explored the mercado. Such a gorgeous space, and a prime example of why you must always look up.

Jog is over. 🎉🎉
We've loved seeing the parents and kids walking to school.

We stopped at a bookstore so I could purchase a favorite Agatha Christie novel in Spanish to practice.

Hercules Poirot makes his first appearance in this one.

The rest of the day we spent reading, learning, Buds had meetings, and we made meals at home with all that good food we bought yesterday.


We're both studying our way through areas of interest and reading several books. To have time and the mental space to focus on these other interests had been delightful.

Buds also worked on shooing flies out the door.

Shoo fly...

We did go out for our nightly walk and to be reminded how lively the nighttime is in Spain.

A day full of promise realized.