

I've been watching old family videos. I can lose myself, awash in love and memories, as I watch these tiny baby humans crawl and smile and giggle.

When I get to the videos where they are beginning to talk, the years have taken away my ability to translate. When they utter a phrase or a story, I hope that the me from the past translates what they say so that the me now can understand. I miss those days when I could tell what the pitch of the cry was telling me. When the sentence was unintelligible to everyone but me. The crinkle of a nose or the flutter of a hand would tell me the whole of the drama going on in their head and their heart.

I am still able to understand every uttered storyline in the Buster's video. We were rolling with laughter as we watched his opening scenes in a future blockbuster.

For those of you who can't translate Little Buster:

Ginnie coughs in the background.

Buster: Duh. For the little mega boy that saved the world.

Pan in close.

Buster: Duh, do, duh, da da dooo...

Buster: New coming out.

Screen fades to black.

Buster: The preview is over.

Thanks, Buster, for letting us share this memory.