Online Recipe Hack

If you enjoy findong recipes online, and you tire of reading the entire backstory of how the author dreamt up the recipe or their familial history of turmoil and strife that led to the recipe, plus all the many, many adds, there is a way you can strip all that away by putting before the recipe.
So, this:
Becomes this:
And in the literal sense, it turns multiple pages of a long story, and in this specific case, the story of their beautiful son who only lived one day, all of which you scroll through to get to the final recipe, into just the ingredients and the recipe:

The whole saga can still be read:

And, dang it, then I got to this screen and read the powerful, loving story of their beautiful son who only lived one day, and died surrounded by so much love.
Sometimes reading the whole story is valuable and worthwhile, and sometimes you just need the recipe. Now you have the choice.