Our State Fair Is A Greater State Fair...With Friends- Part 1

Our State Fair Is A Greater State Fair...With Friends- Part 1

We're jumping in the wayback machine for this post. I began this post many months ago, and so much has happened since August 2023. I am writing from memory, so those of you mentioned, if I get something wrong, or omit something, let me know.

On to the show...

Kelly, Paula, and I have planned for years to have visits to each of our "birthplaces." A stop at Kel's parents' house several years ago checked that box. (Although a longer, leisurely visit will happen someday.) The two families (minus Buds) had a romping good time in Vermont for maple sugaring one spring break. Yessa's trip to spend Thanksgiving with Paula's DE family got a tiny checkmark for that box. (I want to have the adventure for myself one day.) Note: Yessa spent Thanksgiving with Kelly's clan in 2023, another box checked.

This year was our turn to enjoy the Iowa State Fair together. Babs fell and broke her hip after the plane tickets were purchased, but after checking with her to ensure she was still okay with sharing her home with all of us despite most likely being in pain, we were full steam ahead!!

Quick note, I am using photos taken by everyone, so thank you to all of you for sharing.

Monkey and Buster stayed home, but the rest of us headed out early with Yessa taking the wheel.

When Buds, Yessa, and I got to Mom's, she was still at the skilled care unit, so we stopped at Hy-Vee to get some groceries.

We were stunned by the number of plastic bags used by the bagger for relatively few groceries.
He gets settled in to work.

The day of Kel and Paula's arrival brought with it frustration and a fair number of curse words. Despite Kel and Paula checking in online for their flight and despite Paula driving to their airport to get physical copies of their boarding passes, when they arrived at their gate, they were told they had NOT checked in for the flight. It didn't matter that they had checked their baggage. It didn't matter that they had boarding passes.

After much effort and stern words about compassion from Kelly directed at the gate agent, Kel and the girls were put on one flight, and Paula was left behind. Then, after much walking and great effort, Paula got on a later flight, and we were so grateful she was going to make it to be with us, too. (Paula and I were the main people interested in the state fair, so if she hadn't been able to make it, I would have lost my main ally.)

The first three arrive!
I caught a picture...
as Kel took this picture.

We headed into Des Moines for lunch and to buy fresh roasted coffee beans for that guy waiting for us at Mom's house. We also stopped to give Mom a hug. She only had to stay at the skilled care unit one more night!

I loved these new bike lanes on Ingersoll Ave.
Sushi for lunch.
Froyo for dessert.

Since I would be staying after everyone else left, I wanted to get started at the local CrossFit right away. Buds and I headed over for a workout that included bench press, which we don't get to do very often.

Kel and the girls had a direct flight, but Paula had to go through Dallas.

She's only one flight away!!

And then Paula arrived, and our group was complete.

The kitties love her as much as the doggos.

We brought two of the electric bikes with us, so people got in several rides.

Buds and Kate biked over to Thomas Mitchell Park. Kate had to do some hard pedaling because the bike she used ran low on battery, but she toughed it out.

Ready to roll.
That's a morel mushroom...carved out of wood.
Catching a sunset.

We were able to bring Mom home for the skilled care unit, which was a delight for everyone.

The bouquet Teresa sent her. 💕💕
The cats were so glad to have her home.
Teresa and Jeremy were also in town for the fair, and popped over for a visit.
The whole group had a lovely visit.
Jeremy jumped in to move the controller for the chair. It came from my brother who controlled it with his right hand, but since Babs was still waiting for her shoulder surgery, she needed the controls on the left.
Mocha needs love.
She adores Jeremy.

After the rest of the crowd headed out to explore Des Moines, Teresa and I were able to talk openly and lovingly with Babs about our concerns about her continuing to live alone (The conversation continued with my brother later as well.) As we now know, she was able to listen with an open heart and is happily settled elsewhere, but we knew none of what the future held. I was so grateful to Teresa for helping with this beginning of the conversation, and so glad to have our Virginia family there to help with entertainment, food, and love and laughter.

While we were having the serious conversations, the rest of the crew enjoyed shops and time together.

Teresa and Jeremy headed off for the adventures at the fair, and we decided that I would hang out with Babs for the evening while Buds and Yessa helped get the Virginia crowd acclimated to the opportunities available.

Off they go.

I pieced together their outing from pictures, and based on those and other conversations, everyone had a great time.

Caitlin Clark in butter!
Horse show getting started.

Betty suggested they grab a ride on the chairlift to get a great view of the sunset and that worked out great.

Getting ready to ride.
Bob was along for the ride.
I love this shot Paula snapped.

And that was a wrap for the first State Fair Day.