Main Library Outing

Buds and I went on a field trip to the main library downtown a couple weeks ago. We walked into the main lobby and gasped at the gorgeous art deco architecture and the beautiful art books in the current art display.

We loved viewing and reading about the assortment of art created by these book lovers.

We did a double take at this one:

We suspect it was displayed upside down.

We loved the various displays and items you could check out. Art, ukuleles, books of all sorts.

We headed home with our Spanish guidebooks, and our mystery books, and our books on architecture and neighborhood design.

It was so delightful, today we invited the children to go check it out with us.
We stopped to see the Genesee River, which runs right next to the main library building.

The arches under the road are where the Rochester subway ran from 1927-1956.
We headed inside and though the art book display was gone, there was a display of dolls, which Monkey loved.

We bought some books from the book sale, everyone wandered around and found anything they wanted to check out and take home, then we showed them the underground tunnel to walk indoors from one building to the other.
As we were walking through the tunnel, an older Black gentleman was relaxing in one of the chairs and I smiled at him and said, "Hello."
In a truly kind and thoughtful voice he said, "Look at your genuine, natural smile. You should be a tour guide."
That's been making me giggle ever since. It was such a spontaneous, kind compliment.
It was a fun day.