New Year's Eve 2023

New Year's Eve 2023

As mentioned in a previous post, Kel, Paula, Kate, and Bets were waiting for us when we got home from Iowa. They had put together a gorgeous spread of delicious cheese and snacky foods, and we all got unloaded and settled and relaxed with an evening of chatting and laughter.

Because the girls were headed back to school on Jan. 2nd, it was a quick visit, but we fit a lot of love and laughter and memories into the short time.

Paula made sure we had our black-eyed peas to start the new year off right.

There were lots of dog walks:

Games and puzzles were always an option:

Paula and Kelly taught us a new one called "Swoop!"

"Job, Job" was the latest Jackbox game we played around with. Each person enters their answers on their phone, hence the look of people ignoring each other in the photos.

Mocha loved the dog beds that were brought along for Della and Mike.
Mike doesn't care. He'd rather be squished on the couch with the humans.
Out for sushi.

There was time for conversation and laughter and connection. And by the second night everyone had figured out how many blankets they needed to stay warm for the whole night.

It was the perfect beginning to 2024.