Annie Brings Down The House

Annie Brings Down The House

Yessa and I made one of our flying trips down to Virginia to see Kate in her latest musical, Annie.

Heading out in the 5:30 a.m. darkness.

One of Kel's sisters and her three daughters were also in town to see Bets play basketball and to watch Annie, so it was fun to get to meet them and hear family stories. This was also our first trip since the new furniture and paint job in the family room. It looks bright and sunny and delightful.

Bets and Paula were both volunteering for the musical, so we all got there early to get settled in.

Kate was accidentally left out of the program booklet, so she got her own bookmark, which is much more interesting.

Annie was fantastic, and may be my favorite production of Kate's so far. The acting was really well done and Kate was especially well cast and splendid as Grace.

Photo courtesy of Paula.

In addition to watching the production, we had time for a long walk on the beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon, a trip to Mosaic for sushi, and lots of laughing, sharing, and connecting.

Kate's cheering section.

Yessa and I headed out on Sunday morning for the trip home. Another fast, fun, fantastic visit complete.

See you for Thanksgiving in only 3 days, loved ones. 😍
Headed home.
Mocha missed us.