Monkey Graduates Again!

Monkey Graduates Again!

As you may recall, Monkey graduated from high school in Nashville. When she applied to MCC to continue taking college classes, we discovered they would not accept her Tennessee transcript because it wasn't signed by a superintendent. Since each state sets its own standards for homeschooling, that wasn't a requirement in TN, but needed to be addressed for her to go to college in New York. Luckily we learned that a grant program in NY was available to pay for her taking any classes NY required to earn her NY diploma.

She completed the last required class this summer, and her diploma arrived yesterday.

This second diploma doesn't change anything from our perspective. She's continuing to take classes and planning for what her post AA-degree looks like. Right now, creative writing is definitely the focus. Buds and I are thrilled because the world needs her gift of story creation.

The first time around.