Looky Here! Yessa Is a Graduate!

Looky Here! Yessa Is a Graduate!

Look what came in the mail yesterday!

Yessa is a graduate!

She finished up her coursework this summer, but it took a bit for the paperwork to come back from the State of New York.

I laughed yesterday when she was reading me the diploma over the phone and she said, "University of the State of New Dork...New Dork?! What is that?" She's not had many opportunities to read fancy fonts. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

She had a funny conversation with a classmate a couple weeks ago when the discussion of ages came up. He's 23 and was talking about being the oldest in their class, and Yessa said she was probably the youngest at 16. He was shocked that she was in college, and she explained she had been homeschooled, so the timeline was different. After a bit more time to ponder he said, "You are really messing with my perspective about homeshoolers. I thought they were all flat Earthers."

She laughed and said, "I can promise you I don't think the world is flat. My parents wanted us to travel the world, that's why we homeschooled." This answer makes Buds and I sound so clever and forward-thinking, that will now forever be my answer for why we homeschooled.

We'll plan a graduation party for Yessa for sometime in the coming months. For now, her life continues on the same path, taking classes at MCC and deciding what her education looks like after she has her Associates Degree/s.

She's come a long way. 😍😍