CrossFit Morgan/ Macarena - Europe 2023

CrossFit Morgan/ Macarena - Europe 2023

June 7

Timing and distance thwarted my efforts to get to Bakery CrossFit in Lisbon, so I was determined to at least get a t-shirt from a box on this trip. Buds and I walked over to CrossFit Macarena/Morgan yesterday to see the set up and buy a shirt. Once we saw the great outdoor location and the kindness of the coach, we signed up for the 9:15 a.m. class today.

It was a drizzly day.

The entire box is run out of a shipping container filled with equipment. I think they also have an indoor space, but we didn’t see it.

The workout had a lifting component, then a 27 minute 3-mom with three different sections of movements.

WOD is chalked on the side of the shipping container.

Coach Alex ran a good class and most of the people warmed up to us by the end. My broken Spanish and Buddie’s muscles and double unders make for some easy connections.

It felt good to be sweating under the gray skies. We could both tell it had been a couple weeks since our last workout.

A good cult can surpass language barriers.