He's Registered!

He's Registered!

Contains video. Watch at website.

It’s a confusing process, but here’s a visual to help.

The road to the CrossFit Games (the “Olympics” of CrossFit) begins with the CrossFit Open.

Anyone in the world can register and compete in the Open.

After the Open comes the Quarterfinals, then the Semifinals, then the CrossFit Games.

For Buddie’s age group, males 50-54, to move from the Open into the Quarterfinals, he needed to place in approx. the top 10% of athletes.

He did that, and today he received and accepted his invitation to compete in the Quarterfinals.

A week from this Friday the 4 workouts that he’ll need to complete over the days of March 31 – April 2nd will be posted here.

The current plan is to complete one on Friday afternoon, 2 on Saturday, and 1 on Sunday. He’ll be doing them with the other master’s-level qualifier from our box, one of the female coaches.

He’s training hard, eating well, getting rest, and doing what he can to prepare for the “unknown” and “unknowable,” as CrossFit likes to say.

Much, much more to come, but we’ll know you’ll be cheering for him with us.

Here’s Buddie in April 2011, approx. 6 months after starting CrossFit, working on his thrusters. He has 135# on the bar.

And here he is at the completion of the lift for the CrossFit open workout this year that saw him ranked 26th in the world with his 247# thruster.

You’ve come a long way, Baby.