A Birthday Weekend Visit

A Birthday Weekend Visit

Buddie’s parents drove over on Friday to have a quick weekend visit with us a couple weeks ago.

Rochester showed herself to high advantage with glorious weather, fun activities, and Monkey’s birthday to celebrate.

We had simple relaxation sitting on the porch:

Mocha was more interested in the dog next door than in us.

Mary and John both helped strip the bushes of basil we bought at the public market for gorgeous pesto.

Basil bushes

They enjoyed their Gem Family Sunday phone call on the porch.

We even took a final group photo on the porch, but having Buds in charge of the group selfie is always a bit of a recipe for hilarity.

To prepare for the dinner with friends on Saturday night, in addition to creating glorious pesto, we also made homemade pasta:

Mary brought an assortment of bounty from her garden and Buds tried out cryoblanching to create a delicious green bean dish with some of that produce.

Green bean prep.

That one white bean looks disconcerting, but these were delicious.

John and Buds worked on technology projects while Mary went with me to pick up the cheese platter. (This was our second trip of the day to the Public Market and they seemed to enjoy it as much as we do.)

The ice cream cake also had to be created.

Saturday night dinner was delightful.

I love V’s face here, telling a story.

Oh, my, and this was just the starter.

Homemade sangria was a delight.

After the group photo on Sunday, Buds and I followed his parents to a park outside town. The land had been gifted to the community by the family of their good friend, and he and his wife had many stories of good times being had there at “the camp” before it was given away.

B. Forman Park was a delight and we had a lovely picnic before they headed home to Vermont.

A relaxed ending to a relaxed visit.