Europe Trip #2 - July 9, 2022 - Waschsalon/Laundromat

Europe Trip #2 - July 9, 2022 - Waschsalon/Laundromat

When I was 8 or 9, Babs would sometimes drop me off at the laundromat to wash her nursing uniforms while she ran to do the grocery shopping. We used well water at the house in the country and with its mineral-filled abundance, it turned anything white a rusty orange. Back in that day and time, Nurse Babs wore all white, all the time.

Starched and pressed.
Everybody wore white.

For extroverted, people-pleasing, want-to-be-a-grown-up Ginnie, being dropped off to take care of that laundry was heaven. I was so freaking proud of myself.

It’s been a very long time since I’ve been that proud of doing the laundry, but it happened again today.

Buster and I are settled in our anonymous Holiday Inn, and we needed one last load of laundry done in Germany.

I only got lost once on the 8 minute walk to the laundromat, another victory, and the place was totally empty when I arrived.

Thanks to Google translate, I was able to decipher this:

And this:

to get the load going.

For US comparisons, this Waschsalon has 16 washing machines (1 is not working), and 1 large washer. They have 6 dryers, 2 of them not working. Dryers just aren’t a big thing here.

Forty-five minutes of washing, 15-30 minutes in a dryer, and we’ll be set for the rest of this adventure.

2.50 euros to wash

.50 euro for soap

1.50 euros for 15 minutes of drying.

Sense of accomplishment; Euroless.