MoonStar And Waffles Visit Babs

MoonStar And Waffles Visit Babs

Babs lovingly offered to take care of MoonStar and Waffles while we are away on our European Adventures.

The original plan had been for her to fly out to visit our new home, then Yessa and I would drive her back to Iowa, taking the cats along. Babs has had a bit of a health issue going on for awhile, so we switched up those plans. She’ll come visit us later in the year, and Yessa and I loaded up the cats early in the morning of Tuesday, March 1st and “headed for Iowa.”

Though the drive is 12+ hours, it’s an easy one with few busy cities to pass through or near, and we arrived with no problems. You would think MoonStar would get tired of complaining after 8 hours, but she is a cat committed to her craft and she griped the whole way.

We settled in at Mom’s, Yessa and our cats in the basement, to spend nearly a week giving the cats time to get used to each other.

The queen and her subjects.

Babs always has a list of projects and tech needs for when we visit, and this time was no different.

Setting up her new phone.

Helping with another tech problem.

Making meals to freeze for after we are gone.

More cooking.

I was able to go with Mom to a couple medical appointments, which I’m always grateful for. She’s so tough and stoic, it sometimes takes a bit of cajoling to get her to agree that something needs to be checked into.

We had time for playing games, a little bit of painting, cat cuddling, and tv watching.

We also got to experience a winter tornado which was too exciting for my tastes. We spent a fair amount of time in the basement, which is certainly a comfortable place to stay, but I had to work hard to pretend I wasn’t worked up for Yessa’s sake, and I probably didn’t fool her at all. We never lost internet or power, though it flickered a couple times, but the anxiety of hearing the crashing and banging outside and knowing that there was a tornado making its way across the state is…unpleasant. Mom had hail damage to her roof and siding that will be repaired, but other families lost their homes and even their lives, so I am grateful, but so sorry for them.

The beautiful sunrise the day of the tornado. No wonder this place looks like the Stepford Wives live here.

Some of the hail from before we headed to the basement.

Hanging in the basement.

As always, tornadoes aside, it was a great visit with Mom. Plus, Aunty Cyndy, Uncle Randy, and Mom’s best friend from childhood, Nadyne, came down to visit while we were there. More about that in another post.

I love to hear her play.

Thanks for being the Cat Lady, Babs. We appreciate it!!