It's Been A Day!

It's Been A Day!

The week had a fussy beginning, but things on the move-front are starting to come together.

Our two moving pods were to be delivered on Monday and Wednesday of this week. Instead they were both delivered today, about five hours apart.

Despite my frustrations with the company, the individuals I have dealt with have been fantastic, especially the three delivery folks today.

We got the first pod 3/4 loaded in about 2 hours. Having everything in the garage and apartment made the process so quick and efficient.

Upstairs the floors were all buffed and shined up on Monday and they look fantastic and sparkly.

Today the cleaners came and made the entire upstairs look spiffy. Not to mention Weston and Charlie and Richard who were here over the weekend to do the indoor and outdoor work to repair the inevitable dings and divots from living in a home for eight years. Angel took care of completing the mulching which got us over the final hurdle of outside work.

Tomorrow morning the stagers arrive to decorate the upstairs in an HGTV-worthy fashion.

Friday and/or Saturday the pods get picked up and begin their journey to Rochester. Also on Saturday the photographer comes to take glamour shots of the house.

The following Wednesday the new dishwasher gets installed and assuming all the ducks have aligned, Wednesday night the house goes on the market.

Then on Friday the 19th, we close on the new house.

Much to do, but so much excitement and joy for the whole process.

Rochester has started getting snow and we got our snow tires put on yesterday.

I love it when a plan comes together.