We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat

We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat

It’s part of the moving process to wonder why you have so much stuff, but really, why do we have so much stuff?!?!

Four of the five of us have colds (Truly just colds as confirmed by multiple negative COVID tests.), but tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. the folks show up to refinish the floors and somewhere between 8-12 the first of two pods is showing up, so the work continues.

Teresa and Jeremy lent us a truck for errands and yesterday they gave us their time to haul big furniture to the garage.

Many people have offered to help but tossing sickness into the mix has shaken things up a bit.

One more week and then all our things will be loaded up and we can take a deep breath as we finish preparing to put this house on the market and sign the closing papers on the next.

Even though I haven’t been communicating much, please know we’re here, doing well, and pushing the sorrow of leaving to the side for now.

Seriously though, we’re gonna need a bigger boat.