Will We Ever Learn?

Will We Ever Learn?

Many months ago I wrote about the pleasure and pride Buds and I felt at fixing our coat closet door handle.

You’d think we’d have learned the lesson of that, but apparently not.

Since we had the egress window installed in the basement suite, several years ago, we’ve had a pile of dirt outside that window.

The dirt turned into a pile of weeds.

Eventually there was also swamp milkweed and a sweet bunny that used to hop around out there and finally, some bunny bones.

I had some vague vision of creating a rock garden. Someday. And in the meantime I enjoyed watching what Mother Nature gifted us out there.

But every spouse has their limits and boundaries and Buds lovingly requested some forward progress on garden redemption.

I worked a couple hours last week on weed removal, then, today, in about three hours, Buds and I finished this first part of the job.

We went from this:

To this:

It would benefit from some big gnome plants growing out there, but it is definitely neater.

We do love the feeling of a job well done, when we finally do it. Think we’ve finally learned this lesson?
