Garden Wonder

Garden Wonder

Gardening is a lot like cooking for me.

Toss it all in there and see what happens.

Which is one of the reasons I have some difficulty getting started with weeding and grooming of our gardens. All growing things are intriguing to me. We’ve had so many unexpected and beautiful plants show up in the backyard since we stopped mowing everywhere.

I’m captured by the beauty of the individual blossoms and plants.

I notice this:

A delightful dahlia

Not what’s around it:

And, oh my gosh!

I’ve got four colors of 4 o’clocks blooming for the first time ever! Including in the backyard where I have no recollection of planting them!

But the 4 o’clocks disappear in the chaos if you aren’t primed to look for them.

Can you see them?

I’ll work on the front garden and it bring some order, but, except for the devil’s snare plant that carries the mark of Satan, it hurts me a little bit, each plant I cut.

The begonias are happy, happy this year.
