Monkey's Pre-Graduation Ceremony

Monkey's Pre-Graduation Ceremony

Post contains video. Watch at website to see the complete post.

With Buddie’s parents coming to town, we thought we’d have a “pre-graduation” ceremony so they would have the chance to celebrate with Monkey, too.

Teresa and Jeremy very lovingly and graciously agreed to host since they have a beautiful outdoor space and the large yard that would allow plenty of games, plus a fire pit if it was chilly.

Buddie’s mom brought her doctoral robe along so Monkey would have an official gown to wear.

You only need to watch the first minute of the video to see Monkey walk down the stairs.

Monkey had two requests: A bouquet of flowers and pizza. (She prefers Costco pizza, but she kindly agreed we could order from somewhere closer for this particular event.)

Teresa created a beautiful arrangement from the bundles of flowers I bought.

There was a diploma, crafted by Buds:

Buds created a beautiful diploma using a quote from one of Monkey’s stories to line the outside.

Aunt A came through with a big win by gifting Monkey a gift card housed in a gift box with a mortarboard on top, so Teresa taped it on Monkey’s head and she had the full ensemble.

There was a beautiful gift box from Teresa and Jeremy:

Monkey’s gift from Teresa and Jeremy.

And a specially requested architectural lego set of Trafalgar Square from the Vermont Grandparents:

There was time for games, including cut-throat Jenga:

Buddie’s mom, with help from Yessa, made a beautiful ice cream cake in the flavors Monkey requested:

Monkey carried herself with poise and grace and it was a lovely night of laughter and connection.

Monkey and I have matching smiles in this photo.

Huge thanks and love to these two for helping to make it a relaxed, beautiful evening.

Congratulations, Red!