Merging Our Bubbles

Merging Our Bubbles

Paula, Kel, Bets, and Kate packed up their lives…and two doggos…and came down to merge their bubble with our bubble for a week. As always, it was a great visit, in part because it’s just us living our life with some of our favorite humans.

We played games and watched shows, walked and talked, worked out, laughed, visited, planned and dreamed. Paula and the girls made several fantastic meals. We celebrated Fi’s birthday all together (That will get a separate post.), ate carry-out and water ice, and talked and laughed some more.

The dogs all got along great, which was a joy since we’d never seen Mocha with other dogs. She had a blast wrestling around with Della and Mike.

As for the humans, we added more memories and stories to the long list of them that stretches back into our friendship. The relief of friends with whom you find joy, yet who can still surprise you and push you to be your better self. I’m grateful for every single second of it.

Thanks for making the drive, Dear Ones.

I’m posting some pictures of the wonderful week. Kel and Paula took lots of great ones, too, but I’m not able to upload those without converting them, so if you want to see the full album of the week send me a message and I can send you a link.

First though, we all gasp in awe as Mike shows why the backdoor kept being open when we’d come out in the kitchen.

Listening to Monkey and Kel gab away in German was a highlight.

And some photographic highlights of the week:

Looking through these makes me so happy.