What Do The Cats Think?

What Do The Cats Think?

In years from now, we’ll want to remember what the cats thought of us adding Mocha to their lives.

Waffles, who is normally the first cat to reach out and sniff any new dogs that come into our home, has decided that he will treat Mocha the way he treated anyone and everything when we first got him.

Before he got comfortable living with us, anytime someone would walk into the room he was in, or get close to him, he would hiss.

You’d walk by him. He’d hiss.

He’d walk by you. He’d hiss.

We laughed that he apparently thought that was the appropriate way to say, “Hello!”

He is treating Mocha with that same hissy disdain.

I watched him walk through the hearth room this morning. Mocha was ASLEEP in her bed. He walked past her, stopped and turned to look back at her to hiss.

Apparently he felt threatened.

MoonStar has reacted with her calm and collected self.

She’s not thrilled that Mocha loves to snuggle on Yessa’s bed, which MoonStar considers her realm, but she’s not being hissy about it.

She has been sleeping in new locations.

Overall everyone is getting what they need, and Waffles will resettle at some point.

I think Mocha is here to stay.