What You Gain and What You Leave Behind...

What You Gain and What You Leave Behind...

I read something today that sounded just right to me. It was essentially, “If you come through this pandemic emotionally, physically, and spiritually intact, you’ve done it just right.”

We’ll all need to decide, what changed during this time of physical distancing; and of those changes, what do we want to keep and want do we want to leave behind.

I’m trying out meditation, inspired by Jenny, and a free subscription from my life insurance provider.

We love having Buds work at home, though he will be glad to get back to being in the office with his co-workers, someday.

Losing the trip to Italy and time with friends is hard, but the glory of being here to work in the garden and yard as Spring awakens; that’s been transformational.

The children are trying out new interests and new classes; things they might have done anyway, but this time has brought a unique clarity of its own.

Monkey purchased the video game “Animal Crossing” and the children and I have been playing it as another way to connect. She’s always done a fantastic job finding video games that I will love, and she was spot on with this one. It’s such a soothing world, even the New York Times has noticed the niche it fills right now.

Why Animal Crossing Is the Game for the Coronavirus Moment

Mocha, our Pandemic Puppy, has been the very best outcome. She makes each day better.

Smoking that stogie.

Many miles of walks.

Wherever you are and whatever these last weeks have brought into or taken from your life, I hope you are finding peace and light in each day.