Cinders and Sugar

Cinders and Sugar

Monkey, Yessa, and I were excited to head to Iowa on October 20. Monkey packed up to spend the month, and Yessa and I were going for a week.

As is always the case, Mom had a list of things she wanted us to do while we were together, and top of the list was adopting a new feline friend for her.

The girls did some investigating online for available cats. They gingerly suggested Mom adopt two cats so they would keep each other company. Mom thought that was a great idea. She also requested the cats be previously declawed because she has paper thin skin, and no extra scratches and bruises are needed.

Yessa found and Monkey approved a bonded, declawed pair of siblings that they thought were perfect.

We arrived at Mom’s early enough on Sunday afternoon to pop over to the animal rescue league for a meet and greet with Spooky and Captain.

Headed to the ARL.

The Animal Rescue League near Mom’s house is a beautiful facility. There was a section for cats, a section for dogs, an area for “farm cats,” and another building for non-typical animals (parrots, horses, etc.) I did see some bunnies housed in a place where they would sometimes have puppies.

The cat area had large, glassed rooms that held 10 cats or so, and they had small cages where individual cats rested.

With approximately 75 cats to choose from, thank goodness the girls had pre-screened for Mom or we would never have gotten out of there. So many beautiful, loving cats, waiting for a home.

We spent some time in a “hug room” getting to meeting Spooky and Captain.

They seemed like a great fit. Reserved, understandably, but friendly and open to being loved.

We said we’d be back the next morning and headed out to get the house ready for its new family members.

Into the store we go.

Grandma was open to any and all suggestions for necessary supplies.

So obvious we were in Iowa:

We were at the ARL right when they opened the next morning, and after signing all the paperwork we headed home with the sweet ones along.

We set the crates on the living room floor, close to the toys and beds, and opened them up, ready to love on these new pets.


They disappeared up into the deep recesses of Mom’s lounger.

Over the course of the week, they slowly grew more and more comfortable. Mom also decided to change their names to “Sugar” and “Cinders,” which didn’t seem to phase them. (They are cats. They don’t really care what you call them.)


Mom continues to share pictures, and it looks like they’ve settled in pretty well.

Both cats are in the cube.