These Weekends Are Too Short.

These Weekends Are Too Short.

How does time move forward so quickly? It seems impossible.

A game night at church on Saturday night, after a day of errands and time together meant Saturday was a blur.

I left for church for an early meeting before any of the children were awake this morning.

I saw Yessa briefly before the service, but Monkey and Buster were in the Religious Exploration building helping Buds get ready to teach RE, so we weren’t all together until after the service.

They all found their way to me after their classes were over and I was through with the service. We sat in the back rows of the sanctuary, filling each other in our mornings, and talking about our vision for the afternoon.

Friends came over to sit with us, we all shared some stories, then we made our plans.

Imani headed home with Buds and our crew. Fi, Caitlin, and I headed to our Worship Committee meeting.

We’d all celebrate with time together after all these commitments were done.

I’m blogging about it because it was one of many gloriously regular weekends filled with family, friends, workouts, laughter, and love.

Those of us who had after-church meeting got home in time to cheer and tease Buds and Uncle Z as they completed their workout.

A visit with the cousins who came along with Z while Buds showered, then off to sushi.

Nothing special other than the people, but so much of what is perfect about our life.

And then, just now, to cap it off, Buster had been sneezing and as he walked by me I said, “How ya’ doing, Sneezy?”

Without missing a beat he responded, “Just fine, Shorter-Than-Me.”

I’m not sure the humor can carry via the written word, but we’re still laughing about it.

I hope your weekend was also filled with love and laughter.