The Great West Coast Tour - Day Twenty - Heat Wave!

The Great West Coast Tour - Day Twenty - Heat Wave!

Aunt Faye suggested a boat tour she had done with their kids when they were in town. It was in Laughlin, NV, only about 20 minutes away.

Buds and Steven stayed home, but the rest of us loaded up for the drive.

Google maps satellite view offers a really clear understanding of this whole area. The areas that are being irrigated are so defined; especially those literal crop circles. The feeling for me the whole time was that no one should be living here. The land has clearly said, “You are not wanted.”

It’s beautiful in its own way, but not hospitable.

The greenish circles and squares in the bottom right are all from irrigation.

We found our way to the tour boat, and it was a beautiful day to be on the water. The children were only mildly interested, but I enjoyed the tour, the information, and seeing the dam.

Faye also knew the best place to get delicious sweet corn. We drove far out of town and bought some from a farm.

And for dinner, we had fried chicken, which came from a gas station. Also the best in town.

I love how Faye searches out the secret, hidden spots.

But before we could eat that delicious corn and friend chicken, Buds and I decided we needed to try out the local CrossFit.

I told my brother we were headed to “Heat Wave” CrossFit, and his response was, “Now does that really seem like a good idea?”

We thought so.

This was a great box. Really friendly crowd. Great coach. Lots of inspiring posters and culture setting signs all over.

It was 105 in the shade when we pulled up at 4:30 for the 4:45p.m. class.

“Surely we won’t be running, right?” we asked each other.

There was running in the warm up.

But truly, the dry heat makes such a huge, huge difference. It felt completely manageable to run outside in that temperature. And it also felt delightful to come back inside to the air conditioned box.

The rest of the evening was pretty relaxed. Yessa helped bring some order to Aunt Faye’s huge recipe binder, for which Aunt Faye was thankful.

Another delightful day in the desert.